Mahindra are the worlds largest tractor manufacturer by volume in the small to compact global tractor market. Every year on August 14 (Indian independence day) mahindra share their strategic business vision with the world.
Mahindra hosted a launch event in Capetown 2023 to communicate their global vision. This vision focused on their next generation technology led tractor platform called OJA. This new technology platform will be transformational in the world of agriculture and will shape the future of farming.
The project included: Naming, positioning, visual and verbal brand language, pre and post event comms, launch films and the event design visuals.
The design language needed to be bold, exciting and future focused. We created a dynamic event identity with a full animated motion concept to visualise and represent the energy and power of the event theme.
The name OJA is derived from the Sanskrit word OJAS, symbolising strength, vitality, energy and light. (Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism, the language of classical Hindu philosophy). The logo and design system was based on harnessing this into clean and modern model range identifier.
OJA tractors are equipped with three optional techpacks. Each is represented with a different colour and form a third portion of the OJA logo.
MYOJA – Next Gen AI (Artificial Intelligence) driven open Architecture connected solution. This data driven app helps farmers track their tractors and control their farming activities remotely.
PROJA – Productivity enhancing features enabling farmers to do more with less resources, have more versatility & enhance efficiency.
ROBOJA – An automation techpack to enhance critical applications, maximise precision, remove drudgery and enhance comfort and convenience.
To support the message of OJA being built on revolutionary technology, we created a 3D CG digital wireframe style, with bright neon lines.
As part of the deliverables for the event we conceptualised, designed and produced five films. A brand film to launch OJA, a platform film for OJA and three tech pack films for Roboja, Myoja and Prooja.